Open Democracy
5 February 2004
John Elkington
A third visit to the World Economic Forum left the
sustainability campaigner John Elkington enthusiastic
about a gathering force which can connect pro- and
anti-globalisers: social entrepreneurs.
Bill Clinton, the former United States president,
knows how to hold an audience. His opening speech at
the 2004 World Economic Forum on 21 January used
language which was to resonate through the rest of
that high-octane, high-testosterone week. If the
guiding phrase of his electoral campaign of 1992 was
“It’s the economy, stupid!”, the implicit message of
his survey of today’s global, economic, social and
environmental challenges is: “It’s the system,
Clinton suggested that creative social entrepreneurs
like the Grameen Bank’s Muhammad Yunus and the
property-rights-for-the-poor campaigner Hernando de
Soto – should be invited into the centre of such
summit events. No doubt some corporate hearts beat
uneasily at this call for some sort of Third Way
revolution, but what exactly was Clinton prescribing?
Sadly, the ex-president was not only visibly
jet-lagged but short on detail.
Clinton’s declaration in favour of systemic change
would no doubt have won agreement from many of those
across the road at the ‘Public Eye on Davos’ and,
indeed, at the World Social Forum in Mumbai, India.
But most of these people would be unlikely to agree
with him – and the Davos crowd as a whole – about the
nature and costs of such change.
Yet it would be easy to over-dramatise the chasm
between Davos and Mumbai. The divides are there, but
both sides are – willingly or not – in the process of
adjusting their mindsets. In fact, this was the third
time I had attended the World Economic Forum’s annual
summit and I was forcefully struck by just how far
both the nature and content of the debate have shifted
over the past three years.
The silence of the NGOs
At WEF, many once forceful pro-globalisers are now
off-balance. Some even take part in sessions on
corporate social responsibility and sustainable
development. The agenda is a lot more nuanced than it
was just a few years ago. Moreover, a growing number
of former anti-globalisers (albeit still in a parallel
universe for the most part) are experimenting with
labels like altermondialiste and talking in terms of
‘responsible globalisation’.
In short, the basis for some form of convergence is
clearly there. That marks a real shift. My first WEF
event was in New York in 2002, in the wake of the 9/11
attacks. By 2003, the caravan returned happily to its
Swiss base in snowy Davos. It was an event marked by
bitter recriminations between America and its putative
allies – those who were actively planning for war and
those who opposed invasion, with or without UN
sanction. I recall a session where General Wesley
Clark pointed energetically to places on the map of
Iraq where the coalition forces expected to be
attacked with anthrax and other weapons of mass
What a difference twelve months can make. This year,
US vice-president Dick Cheney was in conciliatory
mood, while British foreign secretary Jack Straw drew
no cheers for his lacklustre defence of the Iraqi
venture. My overall impression was that most
participants were much more interested in what would
happen to the US recovery and to the dollar, though
most seemed to have little appetite for major changes
in the world’s economic architecture.
Something else had changed too. A goodly number of
NGOs and their fellow-travellers, myself included,
invaded the New York summit of 2002. The trend
accelerated in 2003. In each case, street
demonstrations in the vicinity helped keep the
political atmosphere on the boiling. This year, by
contrast, the security forces choked off most of the
protests in and around Davos. The NGO presence seemed
The world’s report card
Behind the scenes, there were clashes between World
Economic Forum officials and some NGOs on the best
ways forward. The head of one reputable NGO told me
later that he – they – would not be coming back. I
could understand the frustration. A couple of the
parallel sessions I attended were surprisingly glib
and ill-informed, although in my experience they were
the exception. Some of the WEF’s research partners see
the that the relationship with WEF is unbalanced in
the forum’s favour. Yet it remains one of the most
coherent platforms for integrated debate about global
I challenged the forum’s co-CEO Jose Maria Figueres, a
former president of Costa Rica, about whether the WEF
would ever adopt a position on a major policy issue.
Figueres – who has welcomed “equal room for
partnerships that will create prosperity”, from Davos
to Mumbai – responded that it is essentially neutral
in what it does. But, however you judge that claim,
the forum really is raising its profile in the debate.
This year, for example, the WEF Global Governance
Initiative launched its first annual report. It is
surprisingly critical of current efforts to tackle the
priority issues identified at the 2000 United Nations
summit – the Millennium Development Goals. The WEF
scored each of seven areas of activity for 2003, with
a maximum of 10 points signifying that “the world –
that is, national governments, businesses, civil
society and international organizations taken together
– essentially did everything needed to be on track to
reach the goals.” The report came up with the
following results: peace and security (3), poverty
(4), hunger (3), education (3), health (4),
environment (3) and human rights (3).
Perhaps the world really does need a regular “school
report” of this kind. And the WEF is helping drive
forward other such initiatives. For example, the
voices of social entrepreneurs in Davos – first
convened at New York by the Schwab Foundation of WEF founder Klaus Schwab and
his wife Hilde – were louder and more confident than
the NGOs.
Some social entrepreneurs, like Muhammad Yunus or
Sanjit Bunker Roy of Barefoot College, are publicised
by international media, but most work behind a screen
of public ignorance. Many of them will fail, some more
than once. But these people have the potential to
transform the way in which hundreds of millions of
people live, learn and work.
A huge variety of social entrepreneurs is tackling
such issues as environmental protection, family
planning, the empowerment of women, fair trade, food
security, the homeless, HIV/Aids orphans, and youth
development. Where markets fail, as they do in
relation to many of these issues, social entrepreneurs
are applying “leapfrog thinking”, technology and
business models to find creative solutions. Profit can
be their reward, but it is not their primary motive.
I have been lucky to witness their progress at
successive WEFs. In 2002, I attended the first WEF
social entrepreneur session in New York; in 2003, I
facilitated the first Davos social entrepreneurs
session. In 2004, with Pamela Hartigan of the Schwab
Foundation, I was privileged to interview around
fifteen social entrepreneurs for a book we are
planning. That’s around a quarter of the Schwab
Foundation’s current network. I emerged supercharged:
an hour with any one of these people is inspiring.
If those present at Davos and the WSF alike want to
see evidence of real progress in future Global
Governance Initiative scorecards, there is one clear
way to do it: to throw their collective weight behind
these extraordinary pioneers.
The real question now is how “top-down” changes to the
market system can be introduced in order to help
social entrepreneurs bring their “bottom-up”
activities into the global arena. Maybe it will help
if we all adopt the mantra: “It’s the system, stupid!” |