of Node: - PARTNERS
PARTNERS is the acronym for
Philippine Advancement and
Renewal through Threefolding
Networks, Education,
Research and Service
Number of members - 43
PARTNERS has 13 Nodal
Members and 30 Supporting
Members. Nodal members are
individuals, mostly heads of
their organizations,
directly involved with
PARTNERS as a network.
Supporting members are those
members of organizations
that have fully endorsed the
head of their organization
to be a member of PARTNERS
and who totally support
PARTNERS as a network. The
organizational mission and
goals of supporting members
are directly aligned with
those of PARTNERS, and
consciously work our of
social threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
development principles.
Geographic information -
PARTNERS is a geographic
node of GlobeNet3 based in
the Philippines. Members are
found nationally in the
three major island groups of
the Philippines: Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao.
Brief Description of Node
Leading individuals in civil
society, business, and
government established
PARTNERS to develop a
national network in the
Philippines advancing
comprehensive sustainable
development through social
threefolding. These are
individuals, who in their
own work found creative ways
to enhance and accelerate
the mainstreaming of the
social threefolding approach
for comprehensive
sustainable development
using various entry points
in the cultural, political,
and economic life of
Philippine society..
Vision of PARTNERS
PARTNERS will work to
mainstream social
threefolding for
comprehensive sustainable
development in the
Philippines by the Year 2009
or earlier.
The mission of PARTNERS is:
empower and mainstream
existing appropriate and
promising efforts - within
business, government, and
civil society - for
achieving comprehensive
sustainable development
through social
create educational
situations which encourage
large numbers of people to
understand and implement
social threefolding for
comprehensive sustainable
development with insight,
enthusiasm and skill.
To link
with other individuals,
groups, networks and
movements dedicated to the
advancement of social
threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
ensure that the actual
structure of relationships
within PARTNERS enables it
to achieve its vision and
To realize its vision and
mission, PARTNERS will
pursue the following goals.
Through time, PARTNERS will
add other goals where
appropriate and necessary.
Organize large annual
conferences and festivals
to advance the
understanding of and
showcase the best
practices in comprehensive
sustainable development
and social threefolding.
annual awards for best
practices in comprehensive
sustainable development
and social threefolding
Organize varied other
educational events, for
partners and society at
large, where participants
can learn more about and
exchanges experiences on
social threefolding
concepts and experiences.
Identify, publicize, and
support best practices of
business, government,
and/or civil society in
social threefolding for
comprehensive sustainable
through advocacy, support,
and other means, the
number of large-scale
practitioners of social
threefolding for
comprehensive sustainable
organically, the
membership base of
PARTNERS, thereby
supporting the
sustainability of
institutional approaches
to social threefolding
creative social
threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
development solutions to
major problems of
Philippine society,
locally and as a whole.
Organization Structure and
PARTNERS is a loose,
non-hierarchical network of
practitioners and advocates
of social threefolding. As a
loose network, PARTNERS will
not legally incorporate
itself. Most of the members
of PARTNERS are heads of
their own organizations or
networks. PARTNERS estimate
that the work of the
institutions and networks
that they lead directly
helps over 50,000 people.
(See below on Entry Points.)
Mode of Operation and
PARTNER members implement
social threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
development through ENTRY
POINTS. These entry points
are those beginning
activities through which
members can then enlarge
later on to encompass
advanced phases of social
threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
development. PARTNERS has a
wide range of experience on
the following entry points:
Training of Chief
Executives and Development
Planners of local
governments in
Comprehensive Sustainable
Development and
Sustainable Integrated
Area Development.
Culture, Education and
Public Policy
Cultural Eco-Tourism
advocacy and training in
social threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
Tri-sector dialogues and
Micro-Finance for the
Bio-Dynamic and
Sustainable Agriculture.
Sustainable Integrated
Area Development. (SIAD)
Information Management on
Comprehensive Sustainable
Development and Social
Trainers Training for
Community Based Health
Education of Church
Leaders on Comprehensive
Sustainable Development
Date established
PARTNERS established itself
on July 30, 2002.
Center for Alternative
Development Initiatives
(CADI), whose President is a
co-founder of PARTNERS,
performs the secretariat
work of PARTNERS. CADI is a
pioneer proponent of social
threefolding and
comprehensive sustainable
Contact info:
Nicanor Perlas -
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