

GN3 Nodal Profiles ((under construction)

Currently Active GN3 Geographic nodes

Social Action, California, USA Social Initiative GN3, Netherlands
Merkur GN3, Gothenburg, Sweden 3-Partners, Denmark
Initiative Colibri, Stuttgart, Germany Social Development Group, Norway
Activists for Israeli Civil Society, Israel Novalis GN3, South Africa
Center for Social Renewal, US East Coast ATOS, France (En Français)
PARTNERS, Philippines New Creation, Japan
Youth Group for Social Threefolding, Netherlands

Other geographic nodes are in the process of forming. GN3 has the following functional nodes: Research, Education, Individual and Organizational Development, Funding, and Global Secretariat. A number of individuals from Sweden, India, Philippines, Dominican Republic, and some countries in Africa are thinking of setting up a sustainable rural development functional node within GN3.

GN3 Functional nodes

Research Node Individual and Org. Development (inactive)
Global Secretariat Funding
Education (inactive)  

Social Action, California, USA

The Social Action Node was established July 19, 2002 and is centered in California, USA with 7 members currently. Social Action sees itself as an association of individuals working mainly in the areas of education, civil society and cultural renewal and providing youth mentorship, community building, and education on globalization, threefold dynamics and social change.


Currently, Social Action has initiatives in youth mentorship, classes on urbanization and threefolding, workshops on globalization, community organizing.

Contact Christian Heath ( for more information.   <Back to top>

Merkur GN3, Gothenburg, Sweden (

The Merkur GN3 node was established July 13, 2002 and is centered in Gothenburg.

Merkur GN3 has the following local objectives and ideas: (1) to develop Swedish expressions for ideas and impulses in the spirit of GN3 and (2) to create situations and occasions for people of all kinds to work with issues of civil society and help to promote awareness and understanding for its key roll in a threefold social order.

The members of Merkur GN3 work together in an informal way. Each one is involved in social activities in other groups or movements. We meet fortnightly and share concerns and ideas. Often there is a common project to plan for, like our co-operation with ICS (GN3 Node in Israel). E.g. Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon is involved with development work for Scandinavian teachers in the upper Waldorf School. Some of us are involved in and responsible for a two year development course for teachers and board members in Scandinavia on Management for Self governance and Threefolding.

Together with the Association for biodynamic farming, Association for local farmers, and Initiative for food qualities we have organized a workshop with Nicanor Perlas, Binita Shah from India and representatives from small-scale farming in Scandinavia on the theme: Food Supply during the 21st Century - global monopoly or local opportunity?

We are also active in International co-operation around school gardening and home gardening with focus on young people; and attempting to find ways of co-operation between different religious groups.

At Social Forum Gothenburg 2005 some aspects of Civil Society and Cultural power was presented by GN3.

For more information contact Bjarne Edberg ( <Back to top>

Youth Group for Social Threefolding (YG3) for Dutch Version Click Here

The Youth Group for Social Threefolding (YG3) was founded in March 2003 and is based in the Netherlands. YG3 is active in organizing and cooperating with activities that emerge from out the civil society movement. The youth group holds the intention of drawing attention to the needs, rights and wishes of the citizens (civil society). Since January 2006 YG3 works together with Social Initiative ( Social Initiative is a member group of the worldwide network GN3 and is also working in the Netherlands. Together, we have about twelve active members, and eight inactive (either interested or financially supporting) members.

We meet once a month, learn and study about social threefolding and organise workshops about the Social Threefolding. We also organise and participate in current social activities and events.

Activities of YG3

  • Participation in the Dutch Social Forum (2006), Nijmegen. We gave a workshop about the Social Threefolding and went to several workshop and lectures.

  • Participation in the Dutch Social Forum (2005), Amsterdam. We went to several workshops and lectures.

  • We organised ‘Cultural evenings’ to stimulate integration in a Community Centre in Amsterdam. (2004)

  • Participation in the European Social Forum (2003) Paris, France.

  • We organised an ‘Information and Debate evening’ to prepare people for their participation in the European Social Forum.

  • Participating in the annual GN3 meeting - Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Contacting municipalities to try to get them announce themselves: Gats-free.

  • Participating in many demonstrations against the war in Iraq.

  • Participation in the World Social Forum (2003) Porte Alegre, Brazil.

For information about the group, you can contact Naäma (nodal representative) ( <Back to top>

PARTNERS, Philippines

PARTNERS is the acronym for Philippine Advancement and Renewal through Threefolding Networks, Education, Research and Service. PARTNERS was established July 30, 2002 and has 13 Nodal Members and 30 Supporting Members from the three major island groups of the Philippines: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. 

Leading individuals in civil society, business, and government established PARTNERS to develop a national network in the Philippines advancing comprehensive sustainable development through social threefolding. These are individuals, who in their own work found creative ways to enhance and accelerate the mainstreaming of the social threefolding approach for comprehensive sustainable development using various entry points in the cultural, political, and economic life of Philippine society.

PARTNERS has a wide range of experience on the following entry points: Training of Chief Executives and Development Planners of local governments in Comprehensive Sustainable Development and Sustainable Integrated Area Development; Culture, Education and Public Policy; Cultural Eco-Tourism; Global advocacy and training in social threefolding and comprehensive sustainable development; Tri-sector dialogues and partnerships; Micro-Finance for the poor; Bio-Dynamic and Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Integrated Area Development (SIAD); Information Management on Comprehensive Sustainable Development and Social Threefolding; Trainers Training for Community Based Health Programs; Education of Church Leaders on Comprehensive Sustainable Development.

For Full Profile, click here

For more information, contact Nicanor Perlas –
<Back to top>

Activists for Israeli Civil Society (ICS) - Israel 

ICS was founded in 2000 by Dr. Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon, Philosopher and social activist, founder of the alternative intentional Kibbutz community of Harduf, and cofounder of GN3, and Eyal Ziegelman, social entrepreneur. Today they are joined by a group of 15 Jews and Arabs, working in the fields of education, media, environment, social organization and human rights.

ICS’s goal is to strengthen and support Israeli civil society’s self-consciousness and self-organization. Its main focus at present is to help bring about a formation of local and regional “citizens’ councils”, that will serve as seeds for  self-organizing institutions of civil society in Israel.   

ICS’s ideas and activities received already considerable attention in the Israeli media.

Activists for Israeli Civil Society (ICS); D.N Hamovil, 17930, Israel; Tel: ++972-4-9059333;;

Social Initiative – Netherlands

Social Initiative – Netherlands is the Dutch group that tries to help Threefolding-social-society to emerge. This through direct involvement in daily social questions together with other networks, NGO’s, grass group organisations and individuals. Next to that we are doing research, giving workshops, and participating in many Civil Society social events.

Social Initiative was founded July, 2002 and has 3 Nodal Members, 5 Supporting Members and a few friends from different parts of the Netherlands.

The members and supporting group and friends are individuals, who in their own work have found creative ways to work for the social Threefolding approach using various entry points in the Dutch society. Social Initiative will work to organise workshops and events to advance the understanding of social Threefolding for comprehensive sustainable development, and will try to build up a network with other NGO’s who will support the Threefolding approach. 

For Full Profile, Click Here

For more information, contact: Margalit Laufer (
Netherlands, T  ++31 -30-6916832; M ++ 31- 06-44784864     <Back to top>

3-Partners, Denmark

The aim of The Danish node of GlobeNet3 is to renew the society through threefolding networks. The node was established on the 4th of April 2002 in Copenhagen with 3 members but has since succeeded in finding many friends. 3-Partners members are nationally founded in Jylland (Aarhus) and Copenhagen. Besides we have a close cooperation with the nodes in Norway and especially in Sweden.

From the beginning, the members have been working separately on different questions and in different sectors. As individual members, 3-Partners try to find ways to enhance and accelerate the mainstreaming of the social threefolding approach for comprehensive sustainable development. The entry points differ in the combination of economic, political or social-cultural elements. 3-Partners has the vision to contribute to the establishing of threefolding for comprehensive sustainable development in Denmark.

3-Partners are engaged through its members in the following entry points: Training of teachers and other threefolding oriented persons in culture, education and public policy; Sustainable Integrated Area Development; Global advocacy and training in social threefolding and comprehensive sustainable development.

For Full Profile, Click Here

Contact person and information of 3-Partners: Niels Johan Juhl-Nielsen,

Social Development Group, Norway

The Social Development Group was founded August 2002 and has currently 6 members based in Norway.

The node investigates how the development of social threefolding can contribute to a more human and sustainable society on a local, national and global level. Thereby the node members seek dialogue with organisations from civil society, business and the political system on the question of how such insights can help them developing their specific tasks and interrelations.

The node is a group of individuals inspired by social threefolding and working for these ideas from different perspectives in the various contexts in which we are involved. The node meets regularly and serves as a meeting point for exchange of experiences and mutual inspiration, as well as for more in-depth studies of particular issues. Node members have written articles, conducted lectures and participated in different gatherings and seminars. Several efforts have been focused on the threats connected with the commercialisation of the common drinking water resources, where the ideas of social threefolding proved to be instrumental in framing the issue. Members of the group have also been involved in an annual meeting for teachers in the Norwegian Waldorf schools, offering a working group on social threefolding. Several members have taken part in events abroad, including participation at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and at the WTO-meeting in Cancun, Mexico.

In 2004 the members of the Social Development Group involved in the drinking water issue will continue their activities. Furthermore, the Social Development Group will host a one-week visit by Nicanor Perlas in Norway, whereby its members will initiate different seminars and meetings with him during this week. The programme will be developed with a view to starting new processes, related to the idea of social threefolding, to be followed-up by the members of the Social Development Group after the visit.

Contact info: Christina Andersson,

E-mail: or

Research Node

The Research Node was established July 23, 2002. It is a functional node in GlobeNet3. It currently has 9 members. There are a few others who volunteer on an occasional basis. The members are living at different places over the world and try to cooperate in questions of research.

The substance of the node are the very specific capacities of the several members (see the examples below). Most oft the node members are working in the context of specific local or thematic networks of research.

The node is at the moment in the very beginning of this work, which will hopefully become more fructuous yet in the future.

The Research node shares the vision and mission of GlobeNet3 as a whole.

The key objective of the node is to help by providing analysis of and suggested solutions on contemporary issues (especially burning social issues) from the framework of social threefolding broadly understood.

The members of the node assist in publishing the results of this kind of analysis inside and outside GlobeNet3. They try to watch what is relevant in the world to social threefolding und they attempt to contribute to dialogues on the questions of social renewal, especially within Civil Society. They want to develop the communication and the discussion of perspectives on action-oriented and strategic research that would help advance social threefolding discourse and action in local, national, and world affairs.

They would like to provide timely advise, when requested and where appropriate, on social threefolding for decision makers and individuals in culture, polity, and the economy.

The members of the node support the analytical needs of other nodes of GlobeNet3 when requested and where feasible. They network with other individuals and institutions interested in a more detailed analytical understanding and advancement of social threefolding. And they are looking for cooperation with other individuals who have the capacities to undertake and advance practical research and application of social threefolding.

If possible and needed single members unite their achievements in common research projects, also in cooperation with researchers outside the node. An example is the research on the “Importance of Threefolding in the Age of Empire Matrix” and on the question of a necessary paradigm shift in the field of global agricultural policy.

Click Here to know more about the members of the Reseach Node.

Nodal representative in the GlobeNet3 Working Group is Christoph Strawe - // //

Global Secretariat

The Global Secretariat Node was established July 29, 2002 and is based in Manila, Philippines. The Secretariat has 3 members: one from the United States and two from the Philippines. The Global Secretariat intends to serve the Network and contribute towards advancing the vision/mission of GN3.

The Global Secretariat sees its functional role as follows:

  • Activate and manage both an internal egroup and a website so that those affiliated with GN3 can stay connected with fast-paced global developments on comprehensive sustainable development and social threefolding.

  • Ensure the accuracy, coherence and integrity of the GN3 website.

  • Help facilitate translation services within the network.

  • Produce and distribute educational materials for use by the network as a whole.

  • Post and continually update a “calendar of initiatives and activities” for use by the network.

Three individuals have signified their commitment to carrying this global secretariat work. These individuals are already active in carrying out various initiatives in support of GlobeNet3 and threefolding:

Christian Heath
Nicanor Perlas
James Sharman

The nodal representative of Global Secretariat to GN3 is James Sharman. (   <Back to top>

Funding Node

The Funding Node was formally established in Summer, 2002 to help build the network by financing travel for members to important international meetings, by supporting further development of GlobeNet3’s website and by advising nodes on their own grassroots project funding. The node’s 8 volunteer members are from Norway, Sweden and the US – some are ad hoc members by virtue of their service on the recently formed Funding Mandate Group.

The Funding node sees its purpose as developing and coordinating financial support and advice for GlobeNet3’s Secretariat, its annual meeting(s), its network-wide common projects and its geographic nodes.

Funding is a functional node under the authority of GlobeNet3’s governing body, the Working Group (WG).  The WG’s nodal representatives take recommendations from Funding on financial questions, make decisions and set directions for action by Funding.

The Funding Node may be contacted through the Secretariat at GN3’s website via:

To read more: Click Here

Atos GN3 (En Français)

The Atos-GN3 node formed in France in September 2002. It is presently composed of 10 members. It is related to an open group of about 30 friends, named "Atos".

Atos-GN3 plans to participate in civil society life through events organised together with associations, starting from a pragmatic vision of social threefolding based on the observation of social facts, tending to speak a language fitting our time, able to touch people's heart and arise inner fascination. This popular training initiative has for mission to make both understandable and intimate the change of paradigm in XXI century social thinking, in the relationships between spirituality and religions, in the connection between science and awareness, in the relationships between North and South.

Atos-GN3 members freely take initiatives according to their proximity connections, those being geographical, professional, from citizenship or topical. If necessary, they help and support each others in those initiatives.

Christine Ballivet is presently the node representative of Atos-GN3.

To Read More, click here. For French Version click here.


We are living with approaches to social and environmental problems that have become increasingly obsolete.  The Center for Social Renewal was formed to explore new social forms that promise sustainable solutions to the world's problems. 

The Center for Social Renewal recognizes and works to sustain the unique place of localities in the larger world.  The CSR endeavors to promote, among the people of the Saratoga Area region of New York and other local regions, a greater understanding of the world's problems and the possibility of taking direct action to address these problems.

The Center for Social Renewal seeks to develop collaborative relationships between economic, governmental and cultural institutions to support cooperative solutions to social and environmental problems.

The Center has hosted public forums on environmental, economic, scientific and educational issues and also Conversations with the American Spirit, an artistic form which brings artists and participants into dialogue on questions concerning the destiny of the American people.

The Center for Social Renewal hosts the US East Coast Node of GlobeNet3 which is served by members from the New England, New York and Pennsylvania areas.

For more information contact: Paul Zachos --


Novalis - South Africa

The Novalis node of GN3 was established in July 2002 and currently has five members and is based primarily in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

Novalis seeks to promote threefolding and the general development of civil society in South Africa.

Currently, Novalis works to arrange conferences, workshops and study groups and to publish books and other printed educational materials.

In the future, Novalis hopes to develop greater interest among young people for the understanding of Agenda 21 and sustainability.

For more information, contact Ralph Shepherd -- 


In Process. Please Check Back.

GlobeNet3 Global Secretariat
Unit 718 CityLand MegaPlaza
Ortigas, Pasig City, PHILIPPINES
Tel: +63-2-687-7481
Telefax: +63-2-687-7482